
The School Library is the storehouse of knowledge. It forms an integral part of the academic ferment. Its well-designed exotic collection of learning resources is an inspiration for life-long learners. To suit enriched programme offerings and reading, the library provides students and faculty free access to … books, journals, audio/visual capabilities, computers, print and other up-to date digital resources with a large working space. The library is open throughout the day with qualified staff to assist the students to use the learning resources. It has impressive collection of academic and reference books, as well as journals and periodicals,to improve students vocabulary; it also has a wide selection of fiction books. It is the centre of the academic life of the school.
Rules of Library
- The students should make utmost use of the library. Students are permitted to borrow only one book at a time and should retain only for a period of one week.
- Books borrowed are non-transferable and it is the responsibility of the borrowers to take care of the books. If any book is damaged or badly handled, the actual cost for replacement of the book will have to be paid by the borrower.